Peter Hess
Peter Hess worked as an educator and as a Graduate Diplom Engineer (FH) for Physical Technology. Through years of research and practical experience, he developed
Boosting health ∙ Encouraging recovery ∙ Supporting therapy
Workshop as single video, 45 min
Lecture as single video, 45 min
Workshop as single video, 60 min
Workshop as single video, 90 min
Peter Hess worked as an educator and as a Graduate Diplom Engineer (FH) for Physical Technology. Through years of research and practical experience, he developed
Emily Hess, a certified yoga instructor specializing in Ayur® Yoga, and holding a diploma in Integrated Business Management (US), is a trailblazer in the field
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Thilo Hinterberger is a graduate physicist, neuroscientist and consciousness scientist. He received his doctorate and habilitation in medical psychology from the
Rosemarie Bleil is a qualified geriatric nurse, social management gerontologist, Peter Hess® Sound Educator in nursing care, dementia, and palliative care. She is an authorised instructor
Peter Gabis studied jazz drumming and pedagogy in Vienna and New York. He looks back on years of international concerts and workshop activity and can
Bärbel Kirst is a music therapist in a psychosomatic clinic since 2010, where she applies the Peter Hess® Sound Massage on a daily basis. Building on
Dr. phil. iDr. phil. Christina Koller is a qualified social worker and did her doctorate from 2000-2007 on the curriculum development of Peter Hess® Sound
Ulrich Krause is a senior lecturer in German Studies and Philosophy. For many years he worked as a high school teacher and in the publishing
Dr. phil. Rosa Matzenberger is a psychotherapist, a systemic family therapist, hypnotherapist according to M. E. Erickson, Ego-state therapist, clinical and health psychologist, as well as
Angelika Rieckmann is an occupational therapist since 1988, with professional experience in the fields of neurology, orthopaedics, rheumatology in rehabilitation centres in Switzerland and Germany, paediatrics
Kim Kassandra Schmid has been teaching Pilates and group fitness classes for over 17 years. She is a passionate yoga teacher and sees herself as
Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Schubert is a physician, psychologist and psychotherapist. For more than 20 years he has been researching the correlation between
Simone Westholt-Smith is an alternative practitioner of psychotherapy, supervisor and coach (ISC). She owns a practice in Frankfurt/Main: Peter Hess® Sound Massage, Sound Therapy, hypnosis,
Juno Sommer is a registered nurse and nursing home director. She studied nursing care management. Extensive professional experience in care and nursing of the elderly and
Cordula Tolkmitt is an occupational therapist and has been working in her own occupational therapy practice since 1999, focusing on psychological-functional treatment. Specialised therapist for psychiatry
The copyright of the videos / podcasts or mp3 files is the European Association of Sound Massage Therapy e.V. or in the case of sound yoga classes Emily Hess. The videos and podcasts are exclusively for private use, disclosure to third parties is not permitted.
An exception is the podcast “Heart Meditation by Emily Hess”, which is freely available to you under naming the author Emily Hess. I.e. you can use it also in the context of own (online) sound lessons and sound offers. – As said, please always refer to Emily Hess, who has played and recorded this sound meditation.
Experience the singing bowls as a source of strength and use them in everyday life. The sounds of singing bowls and the Sound Massage quickly lead to pleasant relaxation, during which body, mind and soul can regenerate. This “sound relaxation” has a positive effect on stress, inner balance as well as anxiety and pain. This makes sound methods a perfect complementary offer in wellness and prevention, pedagogy, counseling, therapy, care and healing.
Our sound congresses offering exciting lectures, inspiring workshops, practical forums, atmospheric sound sessions, concerts to enjoy and relax.
Just two to five minutes of practice a day is all you need to relax your body, mind and soul with sounds and improve your own health regularly.
By Peter Hess
Tension Reduction, Creativity enhancement, History Rituals
Internationaler Fachverband Klang-Massage-Therapie e.V.
Dorfstraße 7
D-27333 Schweringen
Phone: +49 4257 – 9830062
Mail: info@fachverband-klang.de
Klangmethoden Blog: www.dieweltdesklangs.com