Sound Massage for people with back problems

Workshop as single video • 90 min
+ bonus material (subsequent discussion – 1 mindfulness exercise with sound and 1 gong sound meditation)
+ Bonus: all videos as podcast/mp3 for when you’re on the go!


Umsatzsteuerbefreit gemäß UStG §19
Discount code for members of the professional association.
Are you a member and you don't have a discount code? Contact us.

About the workshop

In Western culture, many people suffer from back problems, e.g. in the spine, the intervertebral discs and/or muscle tension. Numerous studies, e.g. by Techniker Krankenkasse, show that stress is a primary cause.

The Peter Hess® Sound Methods are a gentle and effective way to avoid or relieve stress-related back problems.

In this workshop you will learn how to use a singing bowl to do something beneficial for your back. A Sound Massage for the back with various techniques will be presented, which you can immediately implement together with a partner.

3 reasons to buy this lecture

  1. You will gain inspiring insights and concrete exercises for a relaxed back through the lively teaching of theory and practice, which you can apply immediately.
  2. You will gain inspiring insights and concrete exercises for a relaxed back through the lively teaching of theory and practice, which you can apply immediately.
  3. The explanations go far beyond the topic of back problems and offer valuable impulses for more health and relaxation.

Info zu dem Referenten

Zeljko Vlahovic

Zeljko Vlahovic is an occupational therapist and a Peter Hess® Sound Educator. Since 2004 he is an authorized instructor in Peter Hess® Sound Massage and a lecturer for Sound Massage at various therapy-related further training institutes in Germany and abroad. He maintains his own practice in Goslar and is the contact person for the region East Lower Saxony / Harz / Kassel.

Participants' voices


“Thank you very much, dear Zeljko. Wonderful tips and information."


Umsatzsteuerbefreit gemäß UStG §19
Discount code for members of the professional association