Sound Yoga package

Sound Congress 2021

2:30 hrs videos
2 Sound Yoga lessons, 2 sound meditations (Welcoming Sounds)
+ Bonus: all videos as podcast/mp3 for when you’re on the go!


Umsatzsteuerbefreit gemäß UStG §19

About the Sound Yoga package

Emily Hess® Sound Yoga is a yoga style full of lightness and joy, as you will experience during the two Sound Yoga lessons of this package! In the Sound Yoga classes singing bowls, gongs and mantras are employed; they inspire people to let go with lightness and joy.

You can get a glimpse of the two sound yoga instructional films here.

Emily Hess®Sound Yoga: Straightening up during yoga class (or yoga practice) accompanied by a singing bowl and mantras, with Kim Kassandra Schmidt (52. Min.)

The physical straightening in yoga class leads to an emotionally perceived straightening. The conscious and whole-hearted decision to straighten up your body already implies a straightening of your soul. This makes you perceive the actual physical straightening even more intensely. An experience, which is deepened by the sound of the heart bowl and a mantra vibrating in your body.

Emily Hess® Sound Yoga: Enrich your yoga class (or yoga practice) with the different sound styles of a singing bowl (ideally with a partner), with Janine Gabelmann (57 Min.)

Experience some time just for yourself, in your own energy, and acquire new knowledge, which you can use for yourself and in your yoga classes.

Our own primordial sound in all of our tissues, muscles, bones, organs, lymph nodes and nerves is awakened anew by the sound of a singing bowl. I recommend a heart bowl for practicing at home or in yoga class. The life energy inherent in every cell comes to vibrate in such a way that it’s experienced as powerful and healthy. The deep calmness, which a Peter Hess® therapy singing bowl can create, deepens the effect of the yogic asana. The practice of yoga is healing and peaceful. The combination of yoga and sound has a wonderful detoxing effect.

Further Information

3 reasons to get this package

  1. You will experience a yoga style full of lightness and joy, and you will recharge your batteries with the sounds of singing bowls, gongs and mantras!
  2. You will experience deep insights into various possible applications of the sound yoga exercises for your yoga practice or yoga class. You will be amazed how wonderfully enriching it is!
  3. Additionally, you will receive two wonderful sound meditations. The sounds touch us in an incomparable manner and connect us with our essence.

Information about the speakers

Janine Gabelmann

Janine Gabelmann is an authorized Emily Hess® Sound Yoga teacher and seminar instructor (worldwide), Kundalini yoga teacher according to Yogi Bhajan (3HO / KRI), Ayurveda

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Participants' voices


"Really great, the combination of yoga and sound, I've never experienced something like this before. I'm thrilled."


"Dear Janine, thank you so much for this wonderful sound yoga, a very special morning attunement."


"Very gentle and loving yoga, it was very nice, thank you!"


“This was wonderful!!! My partner enjoyed it very much, and so did I, thank you so much!”


Umsatzsteuerbefreit gemäß UStG §19
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