Immerse yourself in spheres of consciousness through sounds

A consciousness-scientific approach

Lecture as single video, 45 min
+ bonus material (subsequent discussion – 1 mindfulness exercise with sound)
+ Bonus: all videos as podcast/mp3 for when you’re on the go!


Umsatzsteuerbefreit gemäß UStG §19
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About this lecture

Sounds are able to lead us into deep and extraordinary states of consciousness through which we can gain valuable experiences. They touch our very essence in a way, which is often not possible through other sensory channels. But when does this occur? What kind of sound or music is particularly suitable for this? And can we, at least partially, understand why this is so? In a synopsis of neuropsychology, psychoacoustics and conscientiology, we will dive into some of the discoveries made on these issues.

3 reasons to buy this lecture

  1. The unique and vivid synopsis of different scientific disciplines establishes a deep understanding of the relaxing and mind-altering effects of sounds.
  2. For those who work with sound, this lecture offers a great extension of their knowledge, which explains their work on a sound level.
  3. A great gift for all who are interested in the topics of consciousness and sound.

Info zu dem Referenten

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Thilo Hinterberger

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Thilo Hinterberger is a graduate physicist, neuroscientist and consciousness scientist. He received his doctorate and habilitation in medical psychology from the University of Tübingen. His research ranges from brain-computer interfaces, the study of altered states of consciousness, topics of spirituality to questions from therapy and psychosomatic medicine. Since 2011, he has been Professor of Applied Consciousness Sciences in Psychosomatic Medicine at the University. Hospital Regensburg. Prof. Hinterberger is president of the Association for Consciousness Science and Culture of Consciousness (GBB e.V.) and vicechairman of the Foundation Consciousness Science.

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Thilo Hinterberger:

Participants' voices


“The lecture exceeds my expectations. Great, awesome, brilliant, thanks for that!"


Umsatzsteuerbefreit gemäß UStG §19
Discount code for members of the professional association