is an educator with more than 25 years of professional experience (focal point: integrative work with children) and a freelancer in the fields of learning/life counselling, sound work, as well as an author. She is a Peter Hess® Sound Educator, and since 2012 an authorized instructor of the Peter Hess® Sound Massage and the Peter Hess® Sound Methods.
Referentkategorie: Sound Congress 2021
Ulrich Krause
Ulrich Krause is a senior lecturer in German Studies and Philosophy. For many years he worked as a high school teacher and in the publishing industry. He is an authorized instructor of Peter Hess® Sound Massage and Sound Methods as well as a member of the scientific board at the Peter Hess® Institute.
At the Peter Hess Institute, he has been involved for many years in press and public relations, research and in the development for the certification program in collaboration with the Health Campus of the University of St. Elisabeth. Ulrich Krause is a board member of the International Association for Sound Massage Therapy.
Ulrich Krause:
Peter Gabis
Peter Gabis studied jazz drumming and pedagogy in Vienna and New York. He looks back on years of international concerts and workshop activity and can be heard on numerous CD productions. He has completed training as a Peter Hess® sound pedagogue, as a dialogue process facilitator and since 2005 he has been an authorized instructor for Peter Hess® sound massage in Austria.. He teaches jazz drumming, rhythmics, percussion, as well as mindfulness and meditation at the Jammusiclab University in Vienna. Peter Gabis has been working with meditative sound spaces for 20 years and is currently enrolled in the master’s program “Mindfulness in Education, Counseling and Health Care” at the Vienna University of Education (KPH).
Dorothée Remmler-Bellen
After studying mathematics, computer science and business administration, she worked as a teacher and headmaster. She has been offering seminars and workshops in the psychosocial field across Germany since 2010 at her “Zentrum für Prävention und Psychosoziale Weiterbildung” (“Centre for Prevention and Psychosocial Further Education”).
The focus is on further training to strengthen health and life skills based on salutogenesis.
She has been a board member of the “Berufsverband der Präventologen e.V.” (“Professional Association of Preventologists”) since 2012, and a board member of the “Dachverband Freie Gesundheitsberufe FG“ (“Umbrella Association of Independent Health Professions”) since 2013.
She is a lecturer at several state-recognized universities, where she teaches Salutogenesis, health literacy, health promotion and prevention.
In addition, she advises day-care centres and schools on various aspects of health.
Under the title: “SoS-Schule ohne Stress®” (“SoS School without Stress”) she has published a parenting guidebook.
In her private life, she volunteers as an emergency pastoress.
Dorothee Remmler-Bellen:
Peter Hess
Peter Hess worked as an educator and as a Graduate Diplom Engineer (FH) for Physical Technology. Through years of research and practical experience, he developed the Peter Hess® Sound Massage in 1984, a holistic relaxation method, that can contribute to enhancing health and joy in life. Today, the Peter Hess® sound methods are used in countless fields: from wellness, relaxation, pedagogy, coaching, counseling and therapy to complementary applications in the field of health.
He is the director of the Peter Hess® Institute, to which the Peter Hess® Academies in more than 26 countries around the world are affiliated. He is the 1st chairman of the European Association for Sound Massage Therapy, a highly popular seminar conductor and speaker both domestically and internationally, and has authored or edited various books and DVDs.
Peter Hess: