We are happy to invite you to the Second International Sound Symposium!
This time we are focusing on mindfulness combined with sounds and the interconnections between psyche, health and the immune system. When we are aware of these interconnections, we have the opportunity to create life in a healthy and energetic manner by nurturing our inner space of consciousness.
With Prof. Dr. Thilo Hinterberger and Peter Gabis we have brought onboard two proven experts in the field of working with sounds. They will not only share their deep and broad knowledge in an easy, understandable way, but they will also give you practical advice for your work.
It is important to us that you benefit as much as possible from the Sound Symposium. Therefore, you will not only listen to the lectures, but you will have the opportunity to ask questions. Moreover, you will receive a sound meditation by Peter Gabis as a bonus!
Place Online via Zoom
Time 3 APRIL 2022, 10.30 AM – 2.00 PM CET
Price Euro 49 / AUD 80
Language English
Prerequisite nine, everybody is welcome
Enrolment and by e-mail to
questions Christine Heckel (EN, DE, ES) Ute Colemann (EN, DE) info@christine.heckel.com soundrelaxation@hotmail.com
Lecture: Consciousness And Health – Creating Spaces Of Consciousness With Sound
In this lecture you will learn why sounds in particular play an important role and find out more about the existing connections with acoustics, psychology, neurobiology and spirituality, therefore leading to a comprehensive understanding. The purpose is to arouse enthusiasm for the salutogenic properties of sound, and to provide a scientific background in order to stimulate the joy of experimenting with sound methods.

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Thilo Hinterberger is a physicist, neuroscientist and conscientiology scientist. He heads the research area Applied Conscientiology Sciences in Psychosomatic Medicine at the University Hospital Regensburg, which deals with issues of consciousness in an interdisciplinary manner. His research ranges from the development of brain-computer interfaces and the analysis of altered states of consciousness, to issues relating to therapy, spirituality, philosophy and psychosomatic medicine.
Lecture: Cultivating The Mindful Spirit With Sound
A lot of scientific research is currently investigating the positive effects of mindfulness, opening up a broad field in which science and spirituality intersect. In this lecture you will find out about the basic ideas of practicing mindfulness and meditation and how you can enhance the mindful experience with sounds.
Since working with sound is inherently characterized by a high degree of mindfulness, there is a close connection to hearing and sound. The sounds can quickly bring us into a conscious awareness, also helping us to be more present, e.g. during a sound massage. Thus, the sounds of singing bowls and gongs are very well-suited to support practicing mindfulness and meditation. Scientific and philosophical backgrounds are also part of the lecture, as are some simple practical exercises.

Peter Gabis studied jazz drumming and pedagogy in Vienna and New York. He looks back on years of international concerts and workshops and can be heard on numerous CD productions. Trained as a sound educator and dialogue facilitator, he has been a coach for Peter Hess® Sound Massage in Austria since 2005. He teaches jazz drumming, rhythmics, percussion, as well as mindfulness and meditation at the Jammusiclab University in Vienna. Peter Gabis has been working with meditative sound spaces for 20 years and is currently enrolled in the master’s programme “Mindfulness in Education, Counselling and Health Care” at KPH in Vienna.